Making the Right Negotiation First Impression

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If creating a fantastic first impression isn’t a part of your supplier negotiation strategy, then you will never maximize your potential negotiation success. Whether you are entering a collaborative or a competitive negotiation, a strong first impression can help keep your suppliers from taking advantage of you and increase your chances at securing the best deal. You only get one chance. The perfect first impression is one where your suppliers immediately know that you are a negotiating force to be reckoned with. If you show signs of weakness, you can bet your suppliers will seek to exploit them—even in the context of a supposed win-win negotiation. Upon completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Apply 20 techniques to create the perfect negotiation first impression
  • Apply advanced preparation techniques
  • Navigate the critical first moments that a supplier enters your organization’s facility to negotiate
  • Apply the easy, but not so obvious, ways to alter your speaking style to make a huge difference in the impression you create with a supplier
  • Identify and navigate specific interactions during the negotiation itself that can quickly earn you a supplier’s respect

This is a self-paced course with no instructor-led forum and you have 30 days from registration to complete all course elements. It should take you approximately one hour to review the material and take any quizzes. All readings are provided in the course.

This course has been pre-approved for 1 hour of CE credit towards the CPOS®, CPOP®, CPOM®, and CPOE® certifications.


Making the Right Negotiation First Impression
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Begin self-paced component package.
PDF: Making the Right Negotiation First Impression
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Additional Information
Additional Information
CE Credits and Certificate: Making the Right Negotiation First Impression
1.00 CE credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 CE credit  |  Certificate available
Express Course Survey
5 Questions
5 Questions Kindly complete this 5-minute survey as accurately as possible.