
Our short procurement lessons are just what you need to quickly get up to speed on specific procurement topics. Each of NLPA’s Express Courses qualify for CE credit towards the CPOP, CPOS, CPOM, and CPOE certifications. All Express Courses are free for Premium Members as part of their membership. For more in-depth training on essential procurement topics, register for a certification program or full-length course.

Process Improvement 101
Our thorough and interactive online course, Process Improvement 101, makes it clear and possible to find, analyze and solve for process inefficiencies that can truly elevate your procurement department.
Procurement KPIs and Business Acumen
Learn how to use key performance indicators and develop the business acumen necessary to make intelligent business decisions.
Next Generation Procurement Talent Management
Learn strategies for finding the best procurement talent, training them to be even better, and retaining them.
Creative Negotiation for Buyers
Learn how to negotiate using creative negotiation techniques so that you can start achieving better procurement results today.
Making the Right Negotiation First Impression
You only get one chance to make a first impression. Learn negotiation strategies for making the best first impression.
How to Present a Case for Better Procurement
Learn the 7-step process for building and presenting your case for better procurement.
Championship-Caliber Negotiation Preparation
Fail to prepare and you might as well prepare to fail. Learn how to most effectively prepare for your next negotiation.
Adding Procurement Value to Marketing Spend
Learn how to implement a marketing procurement strategy for today’s world.
Excel Basics for Buyers
Excel is a powerful tool for procurement. Learn how to use the fundamentals of Excel for procurement-related tasks.