
From basic to advanced, NLPA has courses for every level of procurement that can help you master today's most critical procurement processes. Use the seach function below to find the courses required for each certification. Take each course individually, or register for a full certification program for greater savings. 

The cost of the certification exam is not included with the purchase of individual courses. 

Exemplary Supply Chain Social Responsibility
Learn how to flawlessly execute and manage a supply chain social responsibility program.
Strategic Supplier Diversity Best Practices
Implemented and managed well, supplier diversity can make a measurable impact on your company.
Supply Risk and Sustainability Management
Learn the effective tools, systems, and skills to deploy effective countermeasures in the face of supply disruption.
Supply Management Executive Leadership
Learn the tools, systems, and skills to lead successful supply management transformations with confidence.
Savings Strategy Development
Learn how to more effectively achieve, calculate, and report cost savings and more.​
Powerful Negotiation for Successful Buying
Learn the latest and greatest negotiation strategies so that even the savviest sellers will give you the best deals possible.
Mastering Procurement Tactics
Whether new to procurement or a seasoned veteran, this course will walk you through the procurement process step-by-step. ​
Supply Management Contract Writing
Through examples, interactive exercises, and a sample contract, you will learn how to negotiate and write effective contracts.
14 Procurement Best Practices
Learn and apply the procurement best practices used by the world's top corporations to improve performance.