Learning With Next Level Purchasing Association

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    How does your salary match up? Find out in NLPA's 2024 Salary Report. We gathered data from purchasing and supply management professionals from around the world to give you an in-depth analysis of industry growth year over year. Start your path to earning more. Gather the insight you need to get on the right career path in procurement and supply management.

    How does your salary match up? Find out in NLPA's 2024 Salary Report. We gathered data from purchasing and supply management professionals from around the world to give you an in-depth analysis of industry growth year over year. Start your path to earning more. Gather the insight you need to get on the right career path in procurement and supply management.

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Popular Courses

CPOE Certification [Certified Procurement Operations Executive] Package
The CPOE (Certified Procurement Operations Executive ) Certification program is Level 4 and covers the executive procurement leadership skills of the CPO Body of Knowledge.
CPOS Certification [Certified Procurement Operations Specialist] Package
The CPOS (Certified Procurement Operations Specialist) Certification program is Level 1 and covers the essential procurement skills of the CPO Body of Knowledge.
CPOP Certification [Certified Procurement Operations Professional] Package
The CPOP (Certified Procurement Operations Professional) certification program is Level 2 and covers the advanced procurement skills of the CPO Body of Knowledge.
CPOM Certification [Certified Procurement Operations Manager] Package
The CPOM (Certified Procurement Operations Manager) certification program is Level 3 and covers the procurement management skills of the CPO Body of Knowledge.